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Stephanie Kealy

(Ecology, MS), Graduated with a MS 2018. C2R2 Fellowship After graduation, Stephanie was a Project Lead for the NASA DEVELOP program at the Langley location. Her work with coastal resilience … Read More

Dominic Wirkijowski

Fall 2017 I am a graduate student studying Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. My area of study is bridge engineering, where I have experience in … Read More

Prarthana Raja

Fall 2017 I am a first year Ph.D. student in The Graduate School of Engineering. I was born and raised in India. After completing my undergraduate degree in Architecture I … Read More

Sarah Murphy

(Oceanography, MS), Graduated with a MS in 2021. C2R2 Certificate Sarah is now a Project Scientist at JASCO applied sciences.

Laura Landau

Fall 2019 I was born and raised in Rhode Island (the Ocean State!) and have lived in New York since 2008. I hold a BA in Urban Studies from Barnard … Read More

Supporting Communities

In C2R2, students not only build the skills needed to address real-world resilience issues, but they also apply these skills to support local communities. In doing so, students provide expertise … Read More